In this post, I want to show how everything around us depends on us.
I have a lot of experience of working in the business world, and it is confirmed to me time and again that we use our “disordered” thoughts and thought patterns to bring disorder to the business world as well. When I started to think globally, I realized that it is the same with the relationship between friends
and family members and ultimately with our relationship to the environment.
So we began to think globally in our company, not only in terms of business processes, but also:
- How can you save the world?
- How can we work preventively so that things do not get worse, and at the same time bring the natural and business system back to its original form.
So we have divided the company into three segments: We cleanse the environment, we cleanse processes and we cleanse relationships. While we have already elaborated and developed the last two, we are only at the beginning of the first segment. But we are not alone here. We know many experts who know this very well and are now united in Ecoremediation Network Slovenia. In this paper I present my path to ecomediatrics.
When I was still working as a physicist, my first business paths focused on process management, i.e. on how to design a business process in an optimal way. That worked for me, too.
However, when I checked in some cases how things were progressing in practice, I was disappointed because companies only partially accepted my solutions or not at all. After the discussions, I realized that the problem was not at all in the process I was working on, but in the people who simply could not get used to it. Therefore I expanded my knowledge in physics and project management with
motivating methods. In this way, the people involved in the process redesign were able to do this long after I had set up the system. And yet not for that long, because they always returned to the old ways. It was really not clear to me why, because I was convinced that I had used all the knowledge in the world.
But I was very wrong. It was only when I started to get to know the functioning of the whole company better that I realized that absolutely all “orders” come from above, from the director. This meant that my work would never come alive at the bottom of the processes as long as he always communicated information to the process in the same way. Then I realized that it would be much cheaper for companies if only the directors changed certain beliefs, habits and ways of communication than to renew entire systems. But because of the strong ego of the director, it was much easier and cheaper to change the habits of 500 other employees.
Then I began to observe how the director’s information is hierarchically transferred to the processes, and through the deviations in the processes I began to create a psychological picture of each director. I even got to know some of them so well that after deviating from any process, I knew how he talked to his wife in the morning. It was funny, but it did not lead anywhere. I was mainly interested in the reasons why they were causing problems for the company and how to solve them (the last thought was to replace the director).
Since I already had a lot of practical knowledge in creating psychological profiles, I have expanded this knowledge through theory.
First with the Reality Therapy, which I studied at the time when I was most involved in project management, as I used it to teach people to take responsibility. And then with neurolinguistic programming and transactional analysis.
All three methods are methods of psychotherapy. When I had enough theoretical knowledge, I saw that directors behave that way because otherwise they do not know each other. Such behavior and character were learned in childhood. Their first teachers and role models were parents who learned this from their parents. In this way they transferred all the patterns of behavior from their childhood. Of course this should not be an excuse, because they are all adults and the fact is that if they are not aware of it, they cannot change anything.
So you could say that their childhood runs the company. So I was able to develop and learn techniques that help to clear the subconscious and remove patterns from childhood. Psychologists call it psychological garbage, and I have learned to clean it up. In fact, I have noticed that I know how to clean up a business process and a person’s subconscious so that they do not put “garbage” in the business process. So all we have to do is change our way of thinking and stop causing problems for ourselves and others.
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At that time I was convinced that I could save the whole world. But only then did I open my eyes.
I realized that a person with this way of thinking causes problems not only in the business world, but also in personal relationships and in the environment. I solved the relationship very quickly when we opened a marriage counseling and education company that is working on renovating it.
However, how to deal with the environment was not even remotely clear to me. If I change the director’s way of thinking today, the result will be felt in the company tomorrow. If I change the thinking of the president of the country today, the water will still be poisoned tomorrow. Only if we prevent the pollution of nature will we never restore it to its original state, but nature itself will do what is best for it.
This in turn could mean that it will eliminate those who destroy it. So we humans, humanity… But we do not want that.
I realized that we cannot save the world just by changing our minds – we have to save not only the human “soul”, but also human nature.
That is how I came across the concept: eco-mediation
Ecoremediation (ERM) is the use of natural systems and processes to protect and restore the environment and forms the basis for ecosystem technologies. The added value of ERM is that it involves revitalizing parts of the environment that have already been damaged, which is an exceptional value and, above all, restores value to the environment. This is also important because the restored environment gives back its value as it can be used to develop other activities.
With ERM we protect ecosystemically important areas from pollution and at the same time enable sustainable development by using nature for development. This reduces the impact of natural disasters.
Ecoremediation is a measure to maintain and strengthen the balance in the environment, i.e. to increase the self-purifying power of the environment. Because of its preventive and at the same time curative role, eco-mediation is of exceptional value and should be included in development plans.
Preventive role of eco-medication
In all planned interventions in the environment, it is necessary to compare, consider and implement eco-mediation as a preventive measure. Compared to the prevention of degradation, the remedy of environmental damage is much more expensive and unreliable. Therefore, we give an important role to education, as ERMs enable the understanding of the functioning of nature, processes in nature and their monitoring (e.g. water purification, retention of heavy metals in the soil, noise reduction). Information, education and lifelong learning are also important. The preventive importance of ERM is remarkable because it involves different target groups, from children to the elderly, different professional profiles and legislators.
The curative role of ERM
Due to the need to apply best practices to remedy environmental damage, which often results from non-compliance with natural conditions, ERM is also used for remediation. Ecosystem technologies can reduce and eliminate the consequences of natural disasters (floods, droughts, landslides, etc.), senseless pollution (agriculture, tourism, transport, industry, landfills and scattered settlements). With relatively low costs we can achieve great effects in protecting the environment, water resources, streams, rivers, lakes, groundwater and the sea. The basic functions of eco-mediation are large buffer, self-purification and habitat capacities. These should be used to protect water resources, contaminated soils and sediments and to mitigate the effects of climate change.
In direct contact with experts, I have found out that the impact on nature has been very severe over the last hundred years and that we have “cooked” many of today’s weather phenomena ourselves. The same has happened to man himself, as he has forgotten himself in the last hundred years and is rushing forward at incredible speed, preoccupying himself with everything else but himself.
Thus a lot of psychological dust has accumulated in the human subconscious, sometimes even in the DNA, which cannot be changed overnight but is a process of longer duration. It is the same in nature. We cannot save it overnight, but with slow measures we can slowly bring nature back into nature, i.e. into nature itself.
Basically, we are all directors, we all run a company that is called our life. However, we do not have unlimited resources, least of all time. If we want to enjoy the time we are given in this world, we have to be honest with ourselves and with nature. We will not complicate business, friendships and family relationships with honesty.
As much as we love ourselves, we will love others and nature. So we must first love ourselves, and in doing so we must be aware that we must breathe the cleanest air, drink the cleanest water and live in the most beautiful surroundings. However, we cannot do all this just for ourselves, because we are part of a big whole, and only with positive thinking will we be able to contribute to the whole. Therefore, in the business world, the ultimate goal must not only be profit, but a logical consequence, and intervention in nature must not only serve to satisfy needs, but must restore our natural beauty.
Absolutely all actions are a reflection of ourselves, everything we see “ugly” in the environment is also with us, we created it ourselves.
Psychotherapy for people, reorganization for companies and eco-medication for nature are only temporary “tools” to save our lives, to get life back on the right track. We may forget them later, but we will have to live according to their principles.
*-I wrote this article ten years ago, and today it is all summarized in Dynamic Management Model, a model that works entirely according to the principles of nature
Dynamic Leadership model
The purpose of the book is to present a dynamic leadership model, which in more than a hundred cases has proven to be a great way to get out of business and personal crisis and how to overcome difficulties without even going into crisis.