Assosiate professor ddr. MILAN KRAJNC, academic, psychotherapist
- Doctor of Management Science
- Doctor of Science in Personality Psychology
- Professor of Public Management at the European Center for Peace and Development at the University for Peace, United Nations
- Professor of the Open World Program at Al-Khalifa Business School
- Professor at ASEAN University International
dr. MILAN KRAJNC is also ...
- The Honorary Degree (Honoris Causa) of Science in Personality, ASEAN University International
- Fellow of the Royal Society for the Encouragement of Arts, Manufactures and Commerce (FRSA)
- Member Of The Board Of Advisors Leaders for Mental Health
- Knights of Malta, Federation of the Autonomous Priories
- Coordinator for Local and Regional Development, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Republic of North Macedonia
- Special advisor for local and regional development Mediterranean Institute for Post-graduate studies and Development Research, Podgorica, Montenegro
- Fellow of the Royal Asiatic Society of Great Britain and Ireland (FRAS)
- Fellow of the Royal Anthropological Institute of Great Britain and Ireland (FRAI)
- Member Regional Science Association International (MRSAI)
- Author: 387 books in the field of management and relationships (the book Dynamic Management Model has been translated into 11 foreign languages)
Functions so far
- Coordinator for the Revision of Professional Qualifications Standards, Selection Criteria and Methods for Checking the Qualifications of Officials in Positions in the State Administration of the Republic of Slovenia (2010)
- President of the special competition commission for the implementation of the public tender for the position of Director General of the Public Property Directorate of the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Slovenia (2010)
- Chairman of the special competition commission for the implementation of the public tender for the position of Director General of the Public Accounting Directorate of the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Slovenia (2010)
- Chairman of the special competition commission for the implementation of the public competition for the position of Director General of the Directorate for the Environment in the Ministry of the Environment and Spatial Planning (2010)
- President of the special competition commission for the implementation of the public competition for the position of Director of the Administration of the Republic of Slovenia for Radiation Protection in the Ministry of Health (2010)
- Chairman of the special competition commission for the implementation of the public competition for the position of Director General of the Directorate for Information Society in the Ministry of Higher Education, Science and Technology (2010)
- Chairman of the special competition commission for the implementation of the public competition for the position of Head of the Trbovlje Administrative Unit (2011)
- Chairman of the special competition commission for the implementation of the public competition for the position of director of the Office for Consumer Protection in the Ministry of the Economy (2011)
- President of the special competition commission for the implementation of the public competition for the position of Director General of the Directorate of the Republic of Slovenia for Health Care in the Ministry of Health (2011)
- President of the special competition commission for the implementation of the public competition for the position of Director General of the Directorate of the Republic of Slovenia for Tourism and Integration in the Ministry of the Economy (2011)
- Member of the special competition commission for the implementation of the public competition for the position of Director General of the Directorate of the Republic of Slovenia for Railways and Cableways in the Ministry of Transport (2011)
- Member of the special competition commission for the implementation of the public competition for the position of director of the Agency for Post and Electronic Communications (2011)
- Member of the special competition commission for the implementation of the public competition for the position of Director General of the Directorate for Railways and Cableways in the Ministry of Transport (2011)
- Member of the special competition commission for the implementation of the public competition for the position of Director General of the Directorate for Tourism in the Ministry of the Economy (2011)
- Member of the special competition commission for the implementation of the public competition for the position of Director General of the Directorate for Public Services and Investments in the Ministry of the Environment and Spatial Planning (2010)
- Member of the special competition commission for the implementation of the public competition for the position of Director of the Office of the Government of the Republic of Slovenia for Equal Opportunities (2010)
- Member of the special competition commission for the implementation of the public competition for the position of Director General of the Directorate for Higher Education in the Ministry of Higher Education, Science and Technology (2010)
- Member of the special competition commission for the implementation of the public competition for the position of Director General of the Directorate for Sports in the Ministry of Education, Upbringing, Sports and Science (2013)
- Doctor of Science in Management
- Director of the Business and Business Consulting Company SIRIUS s.p. (2001 - 2010)
- Director of the Education Company Smiljan Mori Success Systems d.o.o. (2001- 2002)
- Procurator in the Business and Entrepreneurial Consulting Company SIRIUS.SI d.o.o. (2003 -2012)
- Procurator in the Financial Accounting Company Alamut FRS d.o.o. in 2008
- SIRIUS-NEP d.d., Member of the Supervisory Board, Deputy Chairman (2004 - 2006)
- Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Slovenia, KODA, President of the Working Group on Legal Affairs and Arbitration (2004 - 2005)
- Municipality of Ptuj, member of the Finance Committee (2002 - 2006)
- Municipality of Ptuj, member of the Commission for the Establishment of the Regional Higher Education Center (2003 - 2007)
- Municipality of Ptuj, member of the Commission for the Establishment of the Regional Higher Education Center (2003 - 2007)
- Municipality of Ptuj, member of the Commission for Qualitative and Quantitative Review of Contractual Works (2003 -2007)
- Municipality of Ptuj, member of the Commission for supervision over the implementation of investment construction CERO Gajke (2003 - 2007)
- Chairman of the working group "Public Governance" for the preparation of Standards of good practice in public sector management in the Association of Supervisory Board Members (2010 -)
- President of the Water Polo Association of Slovenia (2010-2013)
- Vice President of the Adriatic Water Polo League (2010 -2013)
Memberships in organizations
- Rotary club Logatec (2010-2013), President 2010/2011
- Marketing Association of Slovenia (2009 - 2012), member
- National Geographic Society (2009 - 2013), member
- Society for Transactional Analysis of Slovenia (2007 - 2013), Secretary
- Manager Association of Slovenia (2007 - 2012), member
- Society for Reality Therapy of Slovenia (2006), member
- Ptuj Students' Club (1995-1997), president
- Bikers Club Kurent Ptuj (1997-1998), vice-president
- Fellow of the Royal Society for the Encouragement of Arts, Manufactures and Commerce (FRSA)
- Knights of Malta, Federation of the Autonomous Priories
Other important memberships
- Candidate for President of the Olympic Committee of Slovenia - Association of Sports Associations (2010)
- I am offered the position of president of the Athletic Club Ptuj (2011)

Dynamic Leadership Model
The purpose of the book is to present a dynamic model of leadership, which has, in more than a hundred cases, proven to be a great way to get out of business and personal crisis and how to overcome difficulties without even going into crisis.
Personal bibliography
Prof. dr. Milan Krajnc with his research work, which includes natural and social science postulates, Krajnc forms a new, modern and fairer economy, which primarily takes into account the potential of the working individual and seeks ways to maximize the potential of the organization, without coercion, without creating violence against the individual. His approach to a more efficient structure of organizations and consequently higher work productivity is unique, as he focuses not on making a profit, but on the long-term success of the organization, its connection with the natural environment, and personal growth of all employees. In this way, it illuminates and presents the economy from a different, natural and certainly perspective of the future, where human resources are at the forefront – the economy as a result of the personal characteristics of the people employed in an organization. It systematically builds on self-awareness, so Krajnc’s modern economy is in harmony with nature and leaves a sustainable imprint, but it also creates an annual natural growth or profit.
Milan Krajnc is an educator and psychotherapist, specializing in leaders, whom he helps from a vicious circle, where they have entered. His journey began by observing natural phenomena in the laboratory, where he first observed as a student of metallurgy and later as a student of physics how, regardless of the phenomenon, seven identical successive phases always occur. The key, he believes, even for a change of mindset in modern economics, is when an element changes structure or when energy gets a higher frequency and a step back is no longer possible. All his findings stem from this moment, which modern (quantum) physics refers to as a quantum leap. In his research work, he used the knowledge he gained by studying psychological modalities, reality therapy and transactional analysis, within which he learned more about human consciousness and subconscious. He quickly came to the realization that if an individual wants to change a habit, he must make some firm decision and not change his mind.
In order not to get lost in this process, the individual needs a map, a compass to guide him along this path. Therefore, Milan Krajnc has developed a unique model of leadership that stems from the completely simple and natural fact that the individual is aware that he needs change. Due to the inevitable connection of the model with natural processes, i.e.imitation of nature and its laws, the dynamic leadership model represents an innovative approach to human resource management in modern society, while offering the possibility of constructive growth of the modern economy and fair foundations.
The dynamic leadership model was created on the basis of many years of studies of various companies and communities in which hierarchical relationships are established. According to Krajnc, the concept of economics has changed a lot in the last century, and although he admits that the basic definition of economics has remained unchanged, it has lost its original goal in his critical eyes. Krajnc emphasizes that too much psychology enters current politics, especially that part of psychology that does not stimulate its own potential. Mainly because of this, in his opinion, there is too much violence in the current economy, which leads to actual destruction. On these foundations, he formed the beginnings of a new economy and developed it over the years through several innovative approaches, always placing man as an individual, physically and psychologically, at the center of all.
He named the science Dynamology, combining psychology, physics and economics. Dynamology is an active way of finding and exploring oneself, and studying living processes and phenomena of the environment. The uniqueness, the revolutionary nature of his approach lies in the perception of man, who sees him as part of nature, planet Earth, natural habitat. From this perspective, however, his models and approaches also acquire a distinctly sustainable nature.
His fundamental belief is that the new economy must contain several principles of natural law. However, the scientist does not destroy, does not reset, does not destroy, does not despise what has been achieved and socially accepted so far. It respects the tradition, knowledge and current knowledge on the basis of which it develops a new point of view. Krajnc points out that the presumption of natural legality does not mean that we have to destroy the system of economic policy that operates in the world, but gradually remove the elements that cause violence. With a sophisticated sense of uniting and connecting the existing through a different, modern prism, he builds a new culture that is more than in any other model related to the natural laws of the environment in which man lives and creates.
His knowledge of psychotherapy adds value to his approaches, and the advantage of his models is drawing on his own experience. “Follow my advice not to repeat my mistakes,” Krajnc points out, which he justifies by the effect of psychology on humans. For the first 6 years of life, psychology builds a person’s personality, and for the next 6 years, it checks to see if it has built properly. All his claims are confirmed in various scientific findings, both in technical and social sciences. He is a master of combining different branches of science and therefore it is not surprising that in the desire for a different modern economy he accepts current dogmas, but puts them in perspective, wants to open a new horizon for the individual, because he feels that as a society we can do better and more. With one goal: to create a council of responsible leaders, and consequently also organizations with responsible employees.
Due to his personal experience of living in a violent environment, he quickly committed to changing the world into a more tolerant and respectful environment and began to realize his vision at the age of 10. At that time, as a child, with songs that laid the foundations of his thinking and approach in the fight against violence, later, at the age of 19, he organized poetry workshops and radio shows in which he deliberately avoided violence against fellow human beings. He sees the cause in violent behavior in a system that is often unjust. The whole world perceives and explains through what they have experienced on their own skin. As a technician and physics student, he didn’t understand how something could work against the rules of operation, since in technique or nature, you can’t be in two places at once. It was only later, as a student of psychotherapy, that he began to discover and understand the rules of the functioning of society as a social category. His findings that society, as well as the economy as its important branch, operates differently from natural laws, led to an even more decisive step in paving the way for a new, different, perhaps sometimes even empathic economy, where empathy does not mean weakness but a reflection of the greatness of man who acknowledges that nature is stronger and that it is time to return to it.
The most important starting point on his path to creating a dynamic management model was the key finding that crises will not be resolved with the same approach that crises actually caused, so he began to consciously add elements to the business environment, also based on rich physical knowledge, that were similar to natural processes. Thus, he began to build a new business model of corporate governance based on natural principles. And he literally started changing the world.
His theory has been proven many times in practice. His first major successful attempt was the project Comprehensive Resolution of Violent Acts in the Municipality of Velenje in the Republic of Slovenia, which was, interestingly and very eloquently, the only municipality in Slovenia that more than 12 years ago wanted to solve the challenge of violence systemically. This information alone testifies to the ingrained patterns of behavior and the demanding path that Krajnc has taken with optimism, with a vision to make the world, in which the economy is one of the most important categories and foundations of social peace, less violent. The key goal of the project was to teach the professional services of the participating institutions operating within the Municipality of Velenje and deal with violence, that their actions do not cause even greater violence against the victim, but raise awareness and consequently shorten procedures. It is a completely natural (for many, completely human) approach to the victim with the aim of helping in distress quickly, effectively and without unnecessarily reliving trauma.
In this project, the founder of the dynamic leadership model, Milan Krajnc, for the first time systematically started testing his theories in practice. This is the first scientific attempt to transfer the findings of the dynamic leadershipmodel from the field of business systems to the field of administrative systems. The founder of the model points out a number of problems, as he has not been able to rely on new scientific findings during all this time, because this field has not been addressed in a systematic scientific way so far. In any case, this is a completely new pioneering field, the study of which represents an original contribution to the development of modern administrative science.
The first level included the teamwork of experts. The main goal was for all services to connect with each other and form a holistic view of the problem. The process of solving problems in such a way, Krajnc predicted and later confirmed, will be faster and more efficient. The second level included working with victims. Experience from past projects has shown that victims have low self-esteem, poor self-esteem. If victims talk about their cases, the rate of recurrence of violence is reduced. Within the third level, the most demanding and risky phase of the project took place – working with bullies. Milan Krajnc and his team looked for the causes of violence, which often stem from childhood. Krajnc is convinced that if we start raising a child with limitations, we can raise a potential bully. The fourth level involved the public. Krajnc was already aware at that time that acts of violence should be talked about as openly as possible and as often as possible. We need to shake off the taboo of violence and begin to recognize every act of violence. Although the world is changing, although we are becoming more sensitive to violence, Krajnc is still convinced that people are immune to all other forms of violence except physical, although this is only the final manifestation of everything that has happened between the victim and the perpetrator. before. It is similar with violence in organizations as a fundamental unit of the modern economy.
Through this project, the founder of the dynamic leadership model successfully upgraded the concept of the model so that it is also useful in public administration, and today it is used by various companies, organizations and public institutions to overcome challenges, not only in Europe but worldwide. These are legal entities that strive for business excellence in a sustainable way.
Awareness of violence, its forms and the ways in which it defines the life of an individual is extremely important for Krajnec, and at the same time it testifies to his commitment to change the world into a less violent, more sensitive and more sensitive – to the individual. Its mission, which is realized through innovative models and approaches of (crisis) management, is to create the awareness that we are practically all victims of a violent system, from which there is a way. In holistic regeneration, it is important to start from scratch and create the conditions in which we feel our own nature. What adds value to his research work is the assumption that it happens without coercion and shock. It is up to the individual to let go, Krajnc notes. It all starts and ends in an individual’s mind. A single man with his dedication and clear vision can change the world. It can change the depraved and twisted post capitalist-oriented and profit-driven economy. As we will see below, Krajnc also proved this. And in this is the invaluable value of his contribution not only to the economy but to humanity as a whole.
Although he faced many challenges in his academic path, no one took away his motivation. Moreover, the system to which Krajnc attributes the origin and recruitment of violence has brought him almost to the extreme, to the point where an ordinary man would give up and Milan Krajnc got a new impetus. When he “attacked” the system, when he revealed its aggressive nature, he also experienced firsthand that the system did not tolerate disobedience. An invaluable experience is his personal moment of breakthrough – when he realized that the system had become dangerous.

He gained invaluable experience as a candidate for president of the Olympic Committee of Slovenia. It was then, unknowingly, that he opposed the system. A circle that operated for almost 40 years in the same composition, under the same rules, and as a result, of course, did not grow or develop. In essence, when he ran as a foreigner, he fell into a strongly connected “community” or, as we understand it in modern political and economic jargon, into the ego-lobby. Krajnc also defines ego-lobbies by finding their place in the system of natural order. “Lobbyists” or interest groups were not created in a planned way, nor are they any professional groups, but exclusively people for whom this is the only meaning of life. So the ego-lobby is basically something natural. Even their life cycle is completely natural until they start endangering others with it.
When an individual within the ego-lobby satisfies his need, he withdraws from the association or at least it is no longer exposed to such an extent. Or, as Krajnc cleverly claims, if we do not put our personal goal first in life, we will never be satisfied, but we will constantly look for meaning in work, hobbies, others. True ego-lobbyists are therefore those who connect in a lobby in order to live out their meaning of life through it. These lobbyists are not primarily about money, but about their ego. Such ego-lobbies usually do not have a major function and are natural up to this stage of development, and therefore harmless. An important and harmful deviation, the danger of abuse, the onset of violence occurs when lobbies, through their actions and opinions, gain a very strong influence on those who lead and decide. In the decision-making function, however, we have predominantly older people in the modern economy who enjoy a reputation in the association, the lobby, and the wider society, and it is fair to point out that they created it with their own history. The rest is done by human psychology. Because of it, the company appreciates someone who has been around for a long time. Even though it hasn’t essentially moved for decades, in which both technology and methodology have overtaken it. We all lose because of people like that. And it is this covert violence perpetrated against humanity every day by a handful of influential people in positions of power that actually sustains an unsustainable system, for without that system it also remains without real power.
Krajnc has derived the definition of ego-lobbies or associations from his own experience, due to which he left his homeland (the Republic of Slovenia) and due to which the desire to return also dried up. Because a system that is not working, that is not effective, wanted to make him adapt, to subjugate. Such a system, Krajnc notes, paradoxically saves the world by being trapped in various psychological patterns that have outgrown national patterns. People in a position of power in such a system will do anything to prevent change.
This moment, this awareness, is a valuable discovery from which Krajnc derived the theory that if he wants to change the system, he must change it from within. Why? If a signal comes from outside, the system just shuts down even more. On this basis, important foundations have been laid for the methodology of personal growth, which he named Sirius Personal Transformation, which expands through the transfer from the individual to the organization in which the individual operates. And from this a dynamic leadership model has developed. The dynamic model is therefore either one or two transformation processes. It can be completed after Sirius Personal Transformation, after the advice and transformation of the director, manager, but this process can, if necessary, continue with Sirius Business Transformation, i.e. in the company, in the organization. This phase mostly depends on whether the company also needs changes.
Today, the most important thing is to get to know ourselves well, because only in this way can we manage ourselves and our surroundings without being an eternal victim of foreign influences. Krajnc’s key finding is that people most often make mistakes because we set material, business and status goals, while forgetting about our needs and primary potentials. With this way of thinking and acting, we become prisoners of the material world and others. After a detailed study of natural phenomena, Krajnc has proven that nature makes every change in seven steps, so the method of personal growth Sirius Personal Transformation takes place in seven modules. The target group for this kind of approach to personal growth is fascinatingly large: it is aimed at those who run various programs / therapies / treatments, so that they themselves will understand what they are really doing. Contribution means parents who, with its help, understand the stages through which children grow up and will therefore find it easier to guide them. It is an orientation for managers who place great emphasis on human resources development, as this is the only way to truly understand which phases they need to promote employee development and how to react at a certain stage with the goal of attracting individuals without feeling exploited or they are even violent in promoting their potentials that serve to achieve the organization’s goals.
Not only the method, but also the approach itself is innovative and connects natural laws with those by which the human psyche operates. Krajnc successfully initiates a system of cleaning “psychological garbage” as he calls everything that does not belong in an individual’s life or it obscures the individual’s view. Exceptional added value, which has always been a fundamental guide for Krajnc, regardless of the approach or the model according to which he transfers his knowledge to fellow human beings, who, like himself, feel an unstoppable need for change, is to teach the individual to transfer the acquired knowledge to others without them even realizing that we are changing them. In this way, change prospers in an environment that is open to change. As the most valuable result of the first phase of the personal journey, we see the fact that the individual begins to accept himself, because in the next phase follows the knowledge and tolerance of our own emotions, which we do not distort because the social environment demands it and wants to (violently) uniform us.
In the eyes of the proponents, the next phase is important for the wider long-term well-being of society, namely through the awareness of oneself and one’s emotions, the beginning of creating an awareness of one’s own responsibility and influence on the environment. An individual confronts his ego, gets to know it, and learns to manage it. We understand this phase as the key to creating an economy of coexistence and progress, as the individual becomes fully aware of all his responsibilities, does not look for excuses, but takes responsibility into his own hands. For the first time, we can say that we are free.
We now know exactly which path we need to go to reach the desired goal. The strategy we create at this point is most often realized. We rewrite the rules of life, set moral and ethical standards, and redefine freedom as a key postulate of democracy and the development of Western modern society. We live a completely different life, which still requires up-to-date corrections of the strategy from the individual. Namely, Krajnc does not forget the influence of society on the individual. Society has not yet changed because of the individual, but the individual perceives it differently – above all, he no longer has false expectations of it. If we can afford a bit of idealism, in this phase Krajnc brings the individual to a stage in which he knows how to stand up for himself to live his dreams.
Krajnc’s finding that learning is in fact a life mission through which we get to know ourselves and others is of great value, which is why we can work with them without stressful situations, in accordance with the predictions. We see the sustainable effect of this kind of growth personality in the virtues that the business world lacks today, but we will have to return to the foundations of the economy if we want the system in which we live and operate today to survive and develop according to its potentials for the better: see simple solutions in all crises or critical situations, maximum use of time, clear goals, business goals that are subordinate to personal, separation of personal and business life, absence of negative stress, development of personal potentials, clear communication, evenly distributed responsibility.
Before embarking on the analysis and discovery of the incredible potential of a dynamic leadership model, we cannot ignore the nominee’s engagement in child development and gender equality. Milan Krajnc is aware that the patterns we acquire in childhood define our life path. Therefore, for the little ones, he created a virtual hero Knight with a Flower,which offers children all the answers that adults hide from them, and motivates parents to promote children’s creation and freedom, of course by clearly defining healthy boundaries. The more children grow, the bigger mirror we have in front of us.
But it is also necessary to look deeper, and this fascinates Milan Krajnc over and over again. The point of the Knight with the Flower is not to brighten the day for the girls, but to teach the male part of the planet earth to be Men and the girls to make Women. This, Krajnc notes, is the most critical part of the current moral and economic crisis – we are not up to the times and desires. This time the prism is inverted. Men made a big problem because they forgot about themselves for so long that women went ahead in all respects. In fact, we are witnessing a completely natural development – women have gone on in their natural rhythm, and men have wanted to keep them in their helplessness with various forms of violence. That is why women today want someone who is, in all respects, intellectually, financially, organizationally, “stronger” than them. Their natural path is to follow. Not through violence, but with a sincere desire for personal growth, men can redevelop this sense, which will also be recognized by a woman. Then we will be able to talk about gender equality in the true sense of the word, not about an artificially created phenomenon that needs a legislative basis in women’s quotas and similar instruments, with which we will never equate the relationship and position of both sexes.
All the changes that an individual makes to himself and his thinking are also reflected in his realization in society, especially in the organizations in which he realizes his potential. Therefore, personal growth is a very important component of the dynamic leadership model developed by Krajnc as a tool with which it also helps various companies and organizations to find the right path to achieve the hard-to-achieve breakthrough.
When the system is healthy, usually only a leader has to take a few steps forward to work better, maybe look at things more broadly, with the help of someone else, someone who is not involved in the processes. This is in cases where the director acts from the heart, according to his nature, and not on the basis of his complexes and ego. When people are part of a system for many years, they lose the bigger picture. Through targeted counseling through a dynamic leadership model, Krajnc broadens their horizons and helps them see. It actually only shows them what they overlooked. He points out the importance of individual / organizational acceptance of change, as hiring a consultant alone does not solve the problem. To make a difference, everyone has to do their part. The process is based on complete trust and openness, as sometimes it even turns out that the most optimal solution is for the director or manager to retire. into some other “story”.
As Krajnc notes, leaders are narcissistic. As many as 99 percent of them expect praise in all circumstances, even when they need help because they have gone astray – praise themselves. It is important to know when and what to praise. In the transformation through a dynamic leadership model, however, the most important thing is for the leader to get a realistic picture. In doing so, Krajnc, unlike other consultants and authors of transformation models, strictly avoids causing pain. This means that the real picture does not judge, it confronts the individual only with the facts. And also the decision of how to proceed is left to the individual. Transformation, Krajnc is convinced, only makes sense if the individual shows interest in why it has come so far. The question of why is crucial – means the individual’s will, sincere intention for change. This model does not contain coercion, necessity, violence.
A dynamic leadership moder is a business model of management, organization and communication of a company, which does not allow the personality of those who create the business process to influence it. The whole model is based on the laws of nature. It was created empirically, based on the author’s own experience and knowledge, which he acquired as needed. Over the years, he upgraded his knowledge and skills and came to an important conclusion, which is actually the foundation of the model – the personality that personality of the director mostly influences the process. From thermodynamics, it was known that a body with higher energy affects bodies with lower, which adapt to it, and from metallurgy, that you can change the composition and structure of the body if you press on it long enough and persistently. He found that perseverance pays off for principals – if he turns the educational process into a counseling and therapeutic one, he manages to change their patterns of behavior and eliminate the causes of acute problems. He knew that communication had to be regulated as a stream flow, slowly, not by shock, through dams. And if it slowly changes behavioral patterns, it will also affect changes in business processes.
He called the process of change without shock a dynamic leadership model. Namely, psychological exercises and organizational approaches take place throughout the entire process, with which we free ourselves from the burdens of the past in seven phases. Then we realize that the whole world is in us and that we just have to develop ourselves – from ourselves! Thus we can find a mission and develop the bright side of our lives.
Krajnc emphasizes the importance of another, otherwise extremely important in the 21st century, but often overlooked skill – communication. Enough communication and proper communication maintains a healthy relationship at all times. Also in organizations and companies, where relationships between employees are built through communication. He named this communication a dynamic communication model and from it, as a logical consequence, if we take into account the importance of communication and its impact on everything we do in life, a dynamic leadership model gradually developed.
Krajnc devoted a lot of time to studying the processes that take place in organizations, and found that over time, the processes in the organization usually become the characteristics of employees. If work processes are adapted to the individual, the essence of the process is lost. With a dynamic leadership model, all perceived anomalies are identified and transformed in a way that is acceptable to both management and employees. With it, we enable the development of the work environment, which at the same time encourages the personal growth of employees. The dynamic leadershipmodel is not just a tool for introducing changes in the company, but it is primarily a way of working and communicating in the company, where it is clearly defined who does what, who is responsible for what, who communicates to whom and how information is passed on. The dynamic leadership model allows information to be manageable, to establish monitoring and for each individual to face their own responsibilities within their workplace. Through a dynamic leadership model, we teach employees to clearly express and understand information. Or put in the jargon of nature,everything falls into place.
Although the processes in organizations are similar, a dynamic leadership model cannot simply be transferred from one organization to another – it must always be established for a specific organization or company. When the dynamic model communication becomes the predominant part of the organization’s operations, it has reached a stage of maturity. This is a turning point when we have made all the planned changes in the organization, when both the management of processes and information is transparent. And only from this point on we talk about the overall operation of the organization according to a dynamic leadership model.
The dynamic leadership model has great potential to change the modern economy into a fairer and less violent one, also because it is useful in turbulent times, when change is the only constant, and it is also effective in calm, stable periods if we want to set out changes and consequent progress, personal and / or business. Krajnc sees the business process as a laminar flow (flows are tidy and smooth), and personal life as a turbulent flow (flows move over time, and vortices can be created from them). Although it would be optimal for personal and business life to run in unison, laminar and turbulent flows can in no way be combined into one according to the laws of physics, but laminar flow sooner or later becomes turbulent. According to Krajnec, the relationship develops and grows through communication.
If communication is absent or unclear, problems arise. If we continue to operate according to laminar rules in a dynamic process, complete chaos ensues. Therefore, a way had to be found for a smooth transition from one mode of work to another. Based on many years of experience in consulting middle and top management, understanding physical laws and knowledge of scientific methods in the field of process management, information and employees, the scientist has developed a dynamic leadership model to help companies or organizations. The transition from one mode of work to another in the classic or till now established methods causes a shock, which usually creates delays in the work process. Shock, and consequently stress, is by no means the goal of introducing change.

A dynamic leadership model introduces changes to an organization in an acceptable way, both from the perspective of management and employees. If we want to encourage employees to have their positive sides, so that there is no stress, and at the same time encourage their potential, we must enable a smooth transition, which of course also benefits the company. The transition mode, which works naturally, is designed in seven steps. These allow the one who is being counsled a personal transformation in which he eliminates many complexes, ingrained patterns and ways of thinking, possible childhood traumas and similar in a simple and soft way. By doing so, he frees himself and allows himself to realize all his (career) potential, while at the same time feeling much more worthy and satisfied. It is precisely such employees – motivated and satisfied – that we need in today’s organizations, which, due to changes in the market, actually have to constantly adapt to external changes.
It is important, Krajnc points out, that the consultant who first goes through a personal transformation according to the Sirius Personal Transformation method is a leader in the company, and then we can – but not always – continue the process at lower levels. But you always have to start at the top, at the most important person in the company. No matter wherewe turn, in whatever organization we work, the fact is that top management exists in every company and that the example of a director is proven to be drawn out; he is the one whose influence on the situation in the company is decisive.
Personal transformation is followed by Sirius Bussines Transformation. Krajnc designed it in seven steps or phases. We start with business transformation after the completion of the first stage or in parallel with the second stage of personal transformation. Of course, we can estimate, depending on the situation in the company, that a personal transformation of the top management is enough, e.g. the President of the Management Board or the Director in order to achieve the desired changes. This way of balancing the organization is possible if the company is healthy, if the director has not yet ‘managed’ to influence the situation in the company with his personal problems. The level of “infection” of the organization can be determined after the introductory interviews, in which we prepare for the introduction of a dynamic leadership model.
A key achievement that an organization that decides to introduce a dynamic leadership model notes is that it avoids the vast majority of problems that arise due to the personal characteristics of employees or business partners and day-to-day changes in the market.
A dynamic leadership model affects all pores of the organization – with it we establish an organizational, legal and personnel structure that can quickly adapt to the market situation. As we live in an extremely changing environment, dynamics must also be taken into account in the strategic management of business systems. A detailed analysis of the state of the organization allows you to create a clear picture of performance and efficiency, while independent business analysis is a springboard for setting new concepts of the organization, because through it we detect in time:
- crisis situations that are easier to manage at the beginning,
- the possibility of expanding the organization,
- personal potentials of employees,
- new challenges and opportunities for development and growth.
The analysis of the situation is a necessary basis, as it is possible to:
- set clear priorities and goals that will be realistically achievable,
- set up a more transparent and flexible organizational structure,
- evenly distribute the burdens and responsibilities of employees,
- simplify and optimize work processes and communication,
- establish a stable financial position and streamline operations.
Interestingly, the essence of the operation of a dynamic leadership model is communication as a key tool for achieving goals. On the other hand, it is worrying, which Krajnc points out and wants to correct, that they pay little attention to communication in organizations today, mainly due to the mistaken belief that when we learn how to speak, we also know how to communicate. In doing so, we neglect the aspect of effective communication in terms of the efficient transfer of important information, and even more so in recent times the need for respectful and tolerant communication in work environments. The dynamic leadership model has proven to be an extremely effective model of communication between directors or presidents of management boards and employees in companies, as well as between municipal management and civil servants. He is successful among employees who come from different backgrounds, age groups and work in different professional fields. It is suitable for groups of employees who have a different work system, different family background, mental stability and temperament. It is also suitable for different cultural environments, countries and continents. It is global and universally applicable.
Unlike other models of implementing change in the organization, consultants in the dynamic leadership model take on the role of conductor and interpreter of information. Their task is to establish relations in which the transfer of information is clearly defined, understandable and acceptable to all participants. The purpose of establishing such patterns of communication is:
- clearly define the responsibilities of employees,
- promoting an entrepreneurial way of working and thinking,
- streamlining and optimizing processes,
- understanding of processes,
- employee appraisal (what employees report),
- learning - how to get out of the problem and make it solvable,
- establishing a project way of work.
In the first three phases, the analysis is crucial, from the fourth to the sixth consultation on newly set goals and abandonment of old habits, and in the last, seventh, integration into the behavior of the individual or the business process. The following are sub-processes that include enforcement, implementation, derivation, independence or verification. Basically, all of these phases happen at every moment, it’s a process going from one state to another. It means that it is a natural cycle that we only perceive if we listen to ourselves.
The nominee best explains the entire life path of the company, the organization and the contribution of the dynamic leadership model with an example that begins with the birth of a business idea, which is usually owned by the owner of the later company. This space is a business. When a company builds its strategy based on a vision and a goal, it starts getting a soul, it starts living. The company experiences different forms through its development, but the soul remains the same. The actual development and life of a company is given by people, those who also develop with it. In the early stages or in phases where the owner of the idea is directly involved in running the company, we can very quickly see the connection between employees in the company and people from different life stages of the owner of the idea, as staff selection is a product of meeting the needs of the idea.
Since the entrepreneurial idea must also be on the way to realization through several filters, from each period, we find the personal connection of the employees in the company with the people of the leader from that period. Thus, in the company, we directly encounter the whole life story of the owner of the idea, and although he had never known these people before, he basically reassembled only similar personalities.
As a company develops, the influence of the owner of the idea on the company is directly cleansed. Which means the company’s employees are also changing. If the company does not change, it means that all employees remain in the same patterns and the company as a whole stagnates. However, if a company develops its strategy, it means that it is taking steps forward, growing, and this must also be followed by employees – that is, to develop and grow. Employees who do not develop together with the company become a braking moment.
Although the entrepreneurial idea is the intellectual property of the director, the biggest mistake managers make is when they set the company’s strategy themselves and expect employees to blindly follow it. The opposite often happens – the whole team becomes a braking element, and the management consequently has the feeling that it is leading incompetent people.
Therefore, it is important that everyone participates in the development of the strategy and the very development (process) of the strategy directly affects the development of the individual. In this way, a dynamic leadership model begins to be introduced in the company. The potential of an individual begins to develop, and on this basis we quickly determine whether his potential is in line with the company’s strategy. If the potentials differ, the employee is expected to leave the company by himself.
The development of employees in the company must be geared to raising awareness. Every individual who has a highly developed consciousness (self-awareness) will feel and realize that he no longer belongs to a particular board or company and will leave it voluntarily and peacefully. Therefore, the educational system in a company must develop the potential of the individual in accordance with the strategy of the company, not in accordance with the potential of the individual, because in the latter case the opposite effect of both company and individual development is achieved. Or,as Krajnc vividly describes, “if you don’t feel the company, quit.“
Final thoughts
With his revolutionary approaches, dr. Milan Krajnc is changing the system. Because organizations and businesses are part of the economic system, it is also changing the economy of the world. Although economics has never been his primary field of research, the path has led him to it and to discover its darkest sides – that (often inadvertently) it creates violence for the sake of “higher” goals. Above the whole chain that connects it and without which it cannot survive. Therefore, it is necessary to return the natural basis to it, because every system, even the one created by man, works according to natural laws. The economy as a whole, as well as individual organizations can be compared with the operation or forest economy. In it, all processes run smoothly. Everything that has to happen always happens (when a person observes a forest, he often subconsciously calls it “natural processes”), changes happen without stress, but at the same time the forest has a profit (oxygen, firewood, food) and an annual growth, on average 3% per year. Milan Krajnc sees this natural potential in all organizations that join the world economy and says that such could be the annual growth of the world economy.
But at the same time, he emphasizes that we must not forget the fact of what nature does for this natural growth. Itcleans itself, makes sure to replace the waste with a new things. So nature is never again, it is always the same. This is physically proven by the law of energy – we cannot annihilate energy, but we can change its form. So if we want to make a profit in the economy, we have to constantly clean up and recycle. The dynamic leadership model is our key compass, our natural regulator. And so a new sustainable and fairer world economy is being born.