We cannot accept the fact that Yugoslavia is no more. More and more people are dreaming and wishing those times would return. However, no one is aware that the same or a similar system can no longer be established, we can only make a new one, based on past experience, and much better.
Today I read an interview on the Sioloven portal with “psychoanalyst dr. Matjaž Lunaček: The greatest evils in our society are innocence and shamelessness ”. Such and similar interviews should flood the Slovenian media every day in order to finally make a room with Mirrors, where we would not be able to escape from our own image and would finally meet reality. Despite the fact that we have to lay the foundation of Slovenian values anew, this does not help us at all if we continue to swim in the puddle and wait for fresh water to flow into our sleeve; as we are part of a very large swamp system.
The only real solution is to set a new goal!

Yugoslavia was the period when, after hard work, great heat or a stressful situation, you step on the pier by the sea and a light wind blows that cools and relaxes you… it is that moment of pleasure that lasts a few minutes, it is the moment that slightly moves into the world of dreams, a little out of reality… and then we go back to that reality, which is cruel to us. Although it’s not really like that.
And where did it get complicated?
The Yugoslav nations were very hardened after the war, so they needed that breeze at the end of the pier and Tito knew how to do it, but the problem was that this breeze lasted 40 years, not a few minutes. And so this breeze, this moment of dreams, lasts too long and for most, for an entire generation, it has been a reality. But when this was over, we fell into another system in which we still do not find ourselves today and still crave the old breeze that will refresh us.
But what is the reality now, those 40 years or those 20 years? Both because reality is what we feel in that moment. And the Reality we knew for 40 years could also be our reality today, but 20 years ago we decided, for a different reality, for a different system that we didn’t know and we didn’t know, so we found ourselves today in crisis.
I am not saying that we should not secede and go our own way, but the same system as we had in Yugoslavia could only continue, we could still remain allies and connect with all related institutions and countries as before now. However, we opted for Democracy, which no one really knew. And now we are here, here, when we essentially do not know where.

When we approached independence, we approached it in a way that was too Partisan, the way we knew it; but we only wanted independence, and we didn’t know in what way, and because we didn’t have a new system, we fell into one big puddle, a swamp that is only lukewarm today.
So only a new system can save us from the crisis, a system that will be aimed at a clear goal.
We are now in Mlaka and how we behave there and which of our properties this Mlaka provoked, was nicely described by dr. Lunaček in the interview:
“Psychoanalyst Matjaž Lunaček: The greatest evils in our society are innocence and shamelessness
Author: David Kos
The social situation in Slovenia best suits the narcissistic type of patient, as the environment requires it. In it, we want to take care of ourselves as much as possible and push others away, says psychoanalyst Matjaž Lunaček.
Psychiatrist and psychoanalyst dr. Matjaž Lunaček is one of the leading psychoanalysts in our country. He was educated within the Italian Psychoanalytic Association in Italy. He deals with the application of psychoanalysis to literature and pedagogy. He devoted a long time to the development of the concept of kindergarten, guided by psychoanalytic principles. In 2011 he published a psychoanalytic thesis on Baptism at Savica entitled For a Different Fate, and last year the book Gymnasts Over the Abyss. It intertwines critical reflections on Slovenes, identity, social, cultural and political aspects.
Due to the unregulated social conditions in Slovenia, the narcissist will not come to therapy on his own, as the existing environment is painted on his skin. He seeks help only when something in his business life breaks down or he starts limping in the family circle. . He seeks help only when something in his business life breaks down or he starts limping in the family circle.
What is the psychoanalytic picture of Slovenia?
We know several directions in psychoanalysis. Sigmund Freud dealt mainly with neurotics, and later psychoanalysts, notably Melanie Klein, with the very early mechanisms of a child’s functioning through their play. In today’s social context, Freud’s approach is out of the question. Klein explored very elementary emotions, such as greed and envy, which are already almost at the level of primary effects, that is, completely unreflected and ill-considered effects. Such early mechanisms are very negative for the cohesion of the social fabric, as they are too focused on what the individual wants. Today, the individual is primarily interested in interest.
We can imagine this with the behavior of a young child who is only interested in being full. If this does not happen immediately, he initially becomes tearful and angry, and his end result is anger. Thus, when a certain obstacle is placed in front of the immediate satisfaction of needs, hostile feelings are triggered. This is absolutely true for many individuals in Slovenia who are either politically active or have excessive ambitions. That’s exactly what it’s about. When any obstacle is put in their way, which they should start to agree on or postpone their interests for a certain period of time, then the operation of the aforementioned mechanisms is triggered.

So it’s about narcissism?
Narcissism is a set of several early mechanisms that parents try to alleviate through upbringing. It is a mental disorder that is treated with psychotherapy and can also result in psychosomatic illnesses. However, due to the unsettled social conditions in Slovenia, the narcissist will not come to therapy on his own, as the existing environment is painted on his skin. He seeks help only when something in his business life breaks down or he starts limping in the family circle. Narcissus is also associated with the fantasy that he must live forever, so he does not accept mortality. This is also most characteristic of him, as he lives with the idea of omnipotence.
People today with a clear conscience deny something they really did. They do not have any problems with the feeling of guilt, as this feeling has drastically decreased. It was once an absolutely discarded act. People today with a clear conscience deny something they really did. They do not have any problems with the feeling of guilt, as this feeling has drastically decreased. It was once an absolutely discarded act.
Are these patterns of behavior in Slovenian society deepening?
Absolutely. Authorities like teachers who once meant something are today on the full defensive in front of parents. They are not interested in what the group will achieve in the classroom, but only in what their child will achieve within the classroom. Will he be able to push his classmates to be alone in the first place. This was clearly shown in the psychoanalytic kindergarten project, which I myself ran for a long time. It took parents more than two years to realize that it is more important how their children get emotionally closer to the rest of the group and develop emotion than what an individual achieves on a cognitive level. A child who is emotionally aligned also learns much faster. Unfortunately, the opposite is not true. The child’s rational part can help him in certain aspects, especially in technical matters, but not in relationships with people. As more and more parents are striving for this kind of upbringing, I am afraid that even worse times are ahead for us in this regard.
Is this a psychopathic story?
Parents play a dual role or upbringing towards their children. On the one hand, they pay too much attention to them and pamper them, which they usually do out of self-interest. We often hear a small child who barely speaks: “We have a motorhome” or “We are going to the Canary Islands”. At the same time, the parents want to discipline the already spoiled child, so they start frustrating him with threats of abandonment.
Such a child is overinvested on the one hand and emotionally abandoned on the other. On the road, we can see a crying child in need of comfort, but the parents leave him to his own devices. Mom tells him, “Now stop crying, or I’ll leave.” When the mother asks in the next phase why the child is crying, the child scolds her “you are evil”.
Authoritarian upbringing in the past has essentially done less harm to the child, as they knew exactly what sanctions would follow. But today’s child never knows what he’s up to. It all depends on the mood of the parent and his needs, whether he will deal with his child or neglect him.
Given the ever-increasing pace of today’s life and the problems parents bring home from work, it is often difficult to find the energy to raise properly.
To raise a child, we must have free valences and we must know how to listen to the child. It is wrong to take a child to leisure activities immediately after kindergarten or school without talking to him. A similar thing happens in the morning when both parents and children sleep until the last minute and then start pushing the child to school. If we give the child enough time in the morning, we can achieve amazing experiences together.
So which type of patient does Slovenian society suit at the moment?
Certainly narcissistic, as the social environment allows it, even demands it. In it, we want to take care of ourselves as much as possible and push others away. Due to the increasing workload, we can also speak in part of obsession.
People who are more interested in interpersonal relationships are constantly frustrated in today’s world. Those who have everything in abundance are also frustrated. In the aforementioned upbringing, people do not develop ethical and moral norms. The greatest evils in our society are innocence and shamelessness.
People today with a clear conscience deny something they really did. They have no problem with guilt. This feeling has dropped drastically. So today, no one in court accepts guilt and claims to the end that he is not guilty. Although we all know it is. It was once an absolutely discarded act.
Another such value, also derived from early child development, is the formation of positive shame. Shamelessness is strongly emphasized in our society when we calmly lie to someone in the face.
Politicians, too, should go to psychoanalysis to begin to be roughly aware of what they are doing. It is the contact with reality that is actually curtailed in the narcissistic population. If they ever give up in life, they may even be at risk of a psychotic state. Politicians should also undergo psychoanalysis to begin to be roughly aware of what they are doing. It is the contact with reality that is actually curtailed in the narcissistic population. If they ever give up in life, they may even be at risk of a psychotic state.
What kind of therapy would Slovenian society need?
An entire generation has already grown up in a system that has slipped into today’s situation. The national education program should be absolutely changed. Of course, we should return positive authority and their validity to key professions. These are professions of special importance that work with people and have a special impact on them because of their position. I am thinking here of teachers, doctors, politicians and also priests who have lost all their credibility to this day. This cannot be changed quickly.
Could we talk about the delusions of politicians? They seem to have a completely unrealistic picture of the situation in the country in their heads. Do you think some would need psychoanalytic treatment?
Absolutely, I said this some time ago for the clergy. Politicians, too, should go to psychoanalysis to begin to be roughly aware of what they are doing. It is the contact with reality that is actually curtailed in the narcissistic population. If they ever give up in life, they may even be at risk of a psychotic state. The combination of ambition and rapid political rise is all the more shaped by the special importance of politics than other professions. Such a situation is not stable, but it is a fantastic force for narcissistic people to act.
It seems that Slovenian politicians spend too much energy not to change anything.
Probably those who benefit greatly in such a mess do not want change.
We often hear about the crisis of values. Are we really facing the biggest crisis and disintegration of values in Slovenia?
Looking back a few generations, the positive values were more solid. People were dominated by so-called Protestant ethics, which was much more related to personal responsibility as well as to religious contexts. On the one hand, this is demanded by an autonomous entity, and on the other hand, certain values were tied to excessive consideration of authorities who did not deserve it. The time of Protestant ethics is over, but no new ethics has been formed.
The crisis of values is increasingly reflected in the workplace, and employees are constantly faced with stressful situations that lead to frustrations and traumas.
If we look at history, we find that workers’ rights have become ever greater with great effort and enormous sacrifices. Until there was neoliberalism, where they can do whatever they want with the workers again. With an army of unemployed people, they no longer have any moral obligations to employees.
I believe that this is a regressive process and the undermining of society or the state, where employers want to establish their order. Countries with traditions can put themselves on the sidelines, while Slovenia allows all this. Despite legalized standards in this area, there have always been loopholes in how to circumvent and circumvent legislation.
Very interesting is the rapid increase in the proportion of people suffering from insomnia. According to the latest statistics, it already covers 40 percent of people. It is known, however, that a bunch of psychosomatic problems occur in a sleepless person. It is very interesting that the proportion of people suffering from insomnia is rapidly increasing. According to the latest statistics, it already covers 40 percent of people. It is known, however, that a bunch of psychosomatic problems occur in a sleepless person.
What is the right relationship between work and private life? What does a 24-hour reach to an employer mean from a psychological point of view? Is it about running long distances?
It is a complete absurdity. We humans do not live to work, but we work to earn and live. There are, of course, some exceptions that claim to live for work. But they usually do not experience severe stress, as their work becomes a hobby and they are autonomous in their work. It is quite different with workers who work for their survival. This is extremely burdensome and inappropriate for him.
The history of the work went in the direction of limiting the work to a certain framework, which she did great. Despite the absence of mobile phones, only a small part of the employees had to be on constant standby and therefore adequately paid, as all the analyzes spoke of the extreme stress of such situations. With this, the worker could also afford something more in his free time. Today, however, most workers do not receive the permanent accessibility allowance and cannot create a better quality of life from this.
What are the first signs of burnout in the workplace? What health problems occur most often?
Very interesting is the rapid increase in the proportion of people suffering from insomnia. According to the latest statistics, it already covers 40 percent of people. It is known, however, that a bunch of psychosomatic problems occur in a sleepless person. Stressful situations severely weaken the immune system, and its absence causes a variety of diseases, including cancer. Thus, it is not surprising that regardless of the form of cancer, immune problems and stress are usually recorded in its diagnosis. These are therefore life-threatening burdens.
How to react in such a case?
We will do a lot of damage to the patient we want to save with medication and return to the work environment as soon as possible. In such cases, there should be a greater awareness, both in the health field and among people themselves, that they are willing to take more risks and say no to the employer. Although many today complain about how badly they live, no one dares to risk a dispute with an employer. Once upon a time, workers risked their lives for their rights, but today they are counting on someone else. And again, we are at the problem of individualism.
Is talking to a psychiatrist in Slovenia still a taboo topic?
Sorry still. However, during times of great personal hardship, the demand for a psychiatrist has increased significantly. I’m afraid a lot of psychotherapists today are only concerned with adapting people to bad conditions. It’s easier and faster, but less efficient. ”
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So Dr. Lunaček, nicely presented, in a professional but popular enough way, the situation in Slovenia and now at least 100 Lunaček, should raise their voices and say it in their own way, so that all those responsible would hear. Namely, only an example is the one that can move the masses, and an example is given by the highest peak of the country. I’m not talking here about what our leaders do because if we look at them, they’re all willing to help, they want good, justice, honesty… but this communication, they communicate to us only through visual work, which is 7% of communication, and we see the rest the other 93%, that invisible part. We really see their true face, we see their intention, I know who they are and there they are completely different than they present themselves. However, we have not yet gathered enough strength to be able to overlook it and say it out loud. But dr. Lunaček, he said this out loud, and these are voices that have a high enough frequency that the highest ones will hear them and even those 93% will start to communicate with us differently.
If we think about changing leaders, there will be no solution, because most of them work the same with those 93%, we have to raise everything to a higher frequency. One is the voice of the various Lunacs, and the other is the new GOAL.
- Do we know where we would like to go?
- Do we know how we're going to get there?
- Do we even know who we are?

Author of the article: Milan Krajnc, pedagogue, entrepreneur & crisis manager
I teach you to look “at yourself” as a third person. For more information or an introductory meeting, write to me at official@milankrajnc.com

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