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Sometimes success needs encouragement!

Solving problems

Effective crisis management

A successful company. All processes in it run like clockwork. The display on the success board shows rapid growth, profits are skyrocketing, and the arrows in the chart are pointing steeply upwards until…

…until the first disagreements start to happen.

Perhaps someone in management dislikes something and desires changes, more responsibility, higher pay … Maybe employees feel left out… Perhaps their perfect image of success is showing cracks deep inside…

Why does this happen?

Perhaps because not everyone experiences the joy of success, as it is usually reserved for those in leadership positions. In times of financial prosperity, few people share their successes—their financial rewards—with everyone involved in the process.

As a result, dissatisfaction manifests itself in poor work, delays, grumbling, and rumors about a company they were once proud of, but now…

How do you know when a company needs help? That employees becoming the hidden enemy in the cloud of success? You know how it is: first there’s one scavenger, then suddenly there are hundreds.

The company loses its reputation, and the quality of its products slowly declines.
You don’t understand why!

What happened? If everything is the same, you haven’t changed anything. The process is the same. The materials are the same. The suppliers are the same. The employees are the same people. You have loyal customers. But there are more and more complaints.

The crisis comes slowly, quietly eating into all parts of the process, slowly, until it is… we won’t say the word.

Don’t float on the wings of success. Look into the core, into all the processes, into the people… NOW!

Many people wonder why? Why, because now, we don’t need advice, because everything is perfect!

But this very time, when you are at the top, is the time for a crisis manager to bring a fresh perspective to the company, who will quickly feel what is happening in the company. Where it is located, although according to all financial statements it is still at the top, the growth is slowly stopping.

Why do you need it? How can it help you?

A crisis manager’s job is to be proactive, identify threats and determine the strategy they will use before a crisis even happens. 

I often see business owners afraid to take third-party advice, but there is nothing wrong with looking at a business through the eyes of a neutral person.

Sometimes the answers are already in front of you, but you can’t see them because you are overwhelmed.

I have advised people, from large cooperatives to family businesses and individuals, all over the world, to overcome difficulties or to continue to develop successfully and achieve admirable success.

Business consulting is not a series of therapeutic sessions on a comfortable sofa where you explore your feelings about life. But an insight into bridging the gap between where you are and where you want to be — you, your employees, and, as a result, your business.

So what do success and crisis management have in common? 

The path to satisfaction leads from feelings of hidden dissatisfaction and stagnation to a trustworthy company to which everyone likes to return, both employees and business partners.

Still in doubt? 

Contact me for a free presentation.

For all questions and appointment bookings, I can be reached at:

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Avtor - Milan Krajnc

Author of the article: pedagogue, entrepreneur & crisis manager and Tina Orter.

For more information or an introductory meeting, write to me at

CategoriesDynamic Leadership Model Latest posts Leadership model

Crisis Management: Don’t let changes rule you

Solving problems

Crisis Management

The world is changing at breakneck speed, and adapting to change and managing it is becoming a fundamental skill for facing the present and the future. Organizations require change agents and change managers who can deal with rapid and significant changes at the business model, organizational, and process levels, among other things.

No company can afford to stand still. They are always facing new challenges and better ways of working. However, any change you want to make needs to be carefully planned and implemented; otherwise, it can cause more harm than good!

This is where change management comes in. It’s a structured approach that ensures changes are implemented thoroughly and smoothly—and have the desired effect.

What is “change management”?

Change management draws on theories from many disciplines, including psychology, behavioral sciences, engineering, and systems thinking.

One central tenet of change management theories is that no change occurs in isolation.

In one way or another, changes affect the entire organization and all the people in it. With good change management, you can ensure that employees adapt to the new way of working and accept it without major trauma.

People also need to be convinced that the new approach will be better and that there is a clear path to get there.

Successful change management is based on four fundamental principles, supported by the DMV, where the company can operate very rationally and without errors according to the principle of natural processes. Above all, everything happens exactly when it should.

A dynamic management model stimulates employees’ potential. It prevents stress, manipulation, and duplication of tasks.

Principle 1: Understand the changes

Why do you need to change? What are your key goals? What will be the benefits of the change for the organization? How will this positively affect people?

Principle 2: Plan for change

Effective change doesn’t happen by accident, and any plan you make must be suitable for your organization. How change projects are managed can vary from organization to organization.
How do you plan to achieve change? What should success look like?

Principle 3: Make a difference

When you start making changes, you need to make sure everyone involved knows what they’re doing. The Dynamic Management Model (DMV) is excellent for this, which shows through the seven phases of personal and business transformation that all subjects go through during organizational changes, from shock and denial to the point when the changes are accepted and begin to be implemented successfully.

Everyone involved in the change must understand what needs to happen and what it means for them.

Principle 4: Communicate the change.

Communication is an integral part of change management. The change you want to make must be clear and relevant, so people understand what you want them to do and why they need to do it.

Everyone needs to know why the change is happening and feel positive about it!

Change is complex, and knowing what not to do is just as important as knowing what to do.

There is no one-size-fits-all approach to change management, so there is no perfect way to manage it.

For all questions and appointment bookings, I can be reached at:

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Avtor - Milan Krajnc

Author of the article: pedagogue, entrepreneur & crisis manager and Tina Orter.

For more information or an introductory meeting, write to me at

CategoriesBusiness success Dynamic Leadership Model Latest Latest posts Leadership model

A comprehensive approach to problem solving!

Solving problems

Approach to problem-solving!

There is no school in the world that will teach you how to run the company and business in which you are involved.

As soon as I enter the company, I can already tell what the main problem and issue are from the outside signs.

Because any change for the company can be critical, not only positive, I developed a method based on natural laws. I called it the Dynamic Leadership Model.

With it, changes occur without major shocks and negative consequences for all parties.

Approach to problem-solving!

My concept of work is based on separating the personal influence of the individual from the business model, because this is the only way further “problems” in the company can be curbed.

I help companies not only with internal changes but also with cooperation with external partners and official institutions, I am an officially registered lobbyist in the Republic of Slovenia and the Republic of Serbia. I work with all local communities and governments in SE Europe, so I have direct contacts in various fields.

I offer my clients a comprehensive approach to solving problems.

There is no school anywhere in the world that would teach you how to run the company you are in.

My advantage is to turn your company into a classroom. And I teach you exactly what you need to make you and your business successful.

In this classroom, there are no grades, and nothing is “forced”, but I create an environment in which you enjoy and make changes with ease.

The first step we take is to get to know each other really well, trust is the most important thing at work. Which means I work at the highest level of trust.

This way I can solve fears, doubts…problems that come from the deepest depths.

That is why the process is long-term because trust is not established overnight, although sometimes there is energy as if we have known each other forever, but this energy also needs to be “grounded” with actions.

The process is completely identical to the growth and maturation of a child in early childhood (0-6 years). Where the child looks up to his parent, who naturally takes him as an authority figure. So if I want you to make a sustainable shift, I need to establish a top-level authority that requires strong trust.

Only then can you follow me unconditionally. However, this is not about blindly following, but about becoming motivated enough to make changes in yourself. And this is a radical change.

If I perceive that someone is not ready to really work on themselves, I stop the cooperation.

I use a very wide range of skills in my work. Mainly to be able to find a language you understand because this is the first condition for establishing trust. Then, “in a language you understand”, I show all the mistakes in the personal and business field. In a “painless” way, and also the causes of them. In doing so, I teach you the skills with which you will eliminate these causes and repair the resulting damage.

I teach each individual to lay the right foundations because only in this way can you really solve the situation. Everything else is “fog stirring”, as they say to us consultants.

contact me for a free introductory meeting…”

For all questions and appointment bookings, I can be reached at:


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Avtor - Milan Krajnc

Author of the article: pedagogue, entrepreneur & crisis manager and Tina Orter.

For more information or an introductory meeting, write to me at

emotional - vampires
CategoriesLatest Latest posts Personal breakthrough

Say NO To Emotional Vampires!



Emotional vampires are those who drain our energy and seek us out to recharge! Are they performing flawlessly? Are they doing it perfectly?

But only as much as we let them.

People can sap your energy for a variety of reasons.

They could be narcissists who require constant attention and adoration. Or, they may be overly dramatic, negative, or constantly complain. Perhaps they are toxically positive and are living a lie in order to survive.

Is your boss or supervisor an emotional vampire?

That’s him if you’ve noticed him constantly seeking attention and making you feel unappreciated.

We recommend that you first try to figure out why it does this. Is it jeopardized by your success?

Solution: Asking for his assistance will tickle his ego.


Concentrate on what you have control over. It is your reaction to these circumstances.

Regardless of the scenario at work or at home, if you are dealing with an emotional vampire, you can manage them and protect your energy.How?
Here are some tips to help you cope with them.


1. If you are insecure or vulnerable, avoid them.
NEVER deal with or interact with an emotional vampire unless you are completely relaxed. Avoid people who are constantly spreading negative energy and attempting to transfer it to you as much as possible. This may appear cold and insensitive to you, particularly if the energy vampire is someone close to you, but it is the only option. Remain calm and do not react.

2. Learn to set boundaries!
Set boundaries for them to reduce their negative impact on you.

3. Reestablish emotional control.
In your mind, reframe situations. Do you really want to be the person who caters to everyone in every situation? And only gets stress and physical and emotional exhaustion in return?

4. Time management that works
Make time for others while also making time for yourself.

5. Collect your battles with care.
Arguing with others, particularly those who hold strong beliefs, will only waste your time and energy.

6. Avoid making too much eye contact.
This is a clear indication that you are not addicted to their attraction or interested in their emotionally addictive conversation.

emotional vampire

7. Simply listen and do not speak.
Do not take part in the discussion. Remember that energy vampires crave attention; elicit a response from others. Maintain your cool and ignore any negative comments.

8. Leave
Nobody can make you be around them. Surround yourself with positive, happy people!

9. Don’t show any emotion.
Emotional vampires crave attention and approval. You are not responsible for the happiness of others.

10. Maintain a positive attitude.
Be so upbeat that nothing can shake you. You meditate. Eat healthily, exercise regularly, and spend time with people who don’t drain others’ energy because they have plenty of their own.

11. Say positive affirmations several times.
Visualize. “I am a strong, positive, and good person,” for example. Consider yourself to be shielded by an invisible shield of positive energy, through which negativity always bounces and cannot reach you.

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Avtor - Milan Krajnc

Author of the article: pedagogue, entrepreneur & crisis manager and Tina Orter.

For more information or an introductory meeting, write to me at

CategoriesBusiness success Dynamic Leadership Model Latest

Change your perception with DMW


Do you feel you could improve your personal or professional life? You have no idea how?

According to the principle of nature, the dynamic management model offers a variety of highly successful transformations that occur in a non-intensive manner. After the consultation, you will feel reborn and full of new ideas.

The biggest advantage of a Dynamic Leadership Model is:

  • to get to know yourself very well,
  • that in all crises or critical situations you see simple solutions,
  • to make the most of time and there is no more empty space,
  • that you are constantly evolving and making progress, and there are no more setbacks in life,
  • the goals are clear,
  • the business goal is subordinate to the personal one,
  • separate personal and business life,
  • no negative stress,
  • the process develops your potential,
  • clear communication,
  • evenly distributed responsibility,
  • you can live your dreams.


Personal transformation

The dynamic leadership model is knowing yourself, because if we know ourselves well, we will know what we want. What our abilities are or what more do we need to do to make progress. The main focus is on the psychology of personality, leadership, and relationships. We give ourselves an answer who we are and where we are going.

Business success

Business processes are like “river channels” that irrigate the entire territory where we live and from which we make a living, so they must be optimally conducted.

It’s the same with business processes, when we know exactly where we’re going, we make processes optimal in terms of all legal and communication parameters.

The emphasis is on learning about naturenatural processes, and solutions.  And above all how to look at legislation and administrative processes differently, so that we don’t experience stress and extra costs.


Communication is like a stream in nature. If it is clear and drinkable, then everything around it is alive and healthy.  If there is not enough water, puddles form, and with a bad smell and taste, everyone is looking for their own way. But if there is too much water, everything “healthy” can disappear.

Therefore, you need to choose the right measure of communication and information. We will learn to understand the interlocutor and communicate, exactly what is needed for a successful business process. Organize meetings, and lead colleges that become the focal point of the business process.

You are welcome to get in touch with me.

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Avtor - Milan Krajnc

Author of the article: pedagogue, entrepreneur & crisis manager and Tina Orter.

For more information or an introductory meeting, write to me at

learn-to-say-no-to-others-and-to-yourself -YOURSELF
CategoriesGoals Latest Latest posts Personal Personal breakthrough

Learn to say – NO to others and YES to yourself!


Learn to say – NO to others and YES to yourself!

I realized that I don’t feel good if I give everyone everything they want just to please them or gain business.

In other words, now I feel free because I have life in my hands again.  I breathe without feeling weighed down.

Now I say NO without fear of what others might think. I walk away from situations that make me uncomfortable and disagree with things that conflict with my beliefs or don’t interest me.

Now I know that my time is important. Because my energy is important. I am important!

I should never waste time on things that do not bring me a sense of peace and joy. I should never feel like I have no choice, because there is always a choice. There are always alternatives.

I’ll make my own decision. I’m going to follow my heart. I will pay attention to my sixth sense. I will make mistakes and will be able to learn from them.

Without a doubt, it’s true – it’s hard to say – NO.

That’s a lot better than pretending I’m fine! That I am doing everything exactly the way others want it. And that at the same time suffering within me and screaming in the silence from the stress.


Where are your boundaries?

Do you have them? Are you always available to everyone at any time, only to yourself – not?

You have to learn to say NO and it’s not easy. Although it sounds easy.  In truth – it isn’t.

NO – it’s a really short word, it only has two letters, but they have a lot of power.

Saying no is not a bad thing. You are not insulting others by doing so. You are simply exercising your will and right to say NO.

Learn how to say NO!

Saying NO does not mean you are selfish, but that you love yourself. This means that the question asked, the action, does not correspond to your beliefs, or something simply does not suit you at that moment.

Say NO to people spreading negativity. Say NO to those who laugh at your dreams. Say NO to hypocrites. To those who evoke strange feelings in you. You can’t be there for all. Get to know your priorities. Know your goals. And say NO to everyone else.


Learning to say NO in personal or business life! Is one of the best things you can do for yourself, but it seems extremely difficult to many. Why? Because they want to please and to be liked.

When you set boundaries, you will see many reasons why they are the way to the secret to success – to happiness – to peace of mind.

Say NO to anything that limits you, puts you in a bad mood, causes you pain, or those actions that make you sad, and say a big – YES – to yourself.

You know what – I’m free and I’ve spread my wings like an eagle. I am what I am. Happy, without the invisible armor of the surroundings.

Shake off the expectations of others – spread your wings and fly!


We operate in the fields of business (family businesses, cooperatives, crisis management), consulting, lectures, workshops, mentoring, business or personal coaching, we mediate in the search for investors, we perform profiling and psychotherapy of the management team and all employees in companies, institutions …

For additional information, we are at your disposal:

Fill out the form bellow to get the free e-book



Avtor - Milan Krajnc

Author of the article: pedagogue, entrepreneur & crisis manager and Tina Orter.

For more information or an introductory meeting, write to me at

Are you happy?
CategoriesGoals Latest Latest posts Personal breakthrough

Are you happy? Happiness is part of who you are!

Are you happy?

Am I happy?

I’ve been looking for an answer to this question for a long time! But I couldn’t find him.

One day, when I was driving from Slovenia to Monaco, where I went years ago because I was convinced that the happiest people lived there.

I was surrounded by famous and successful people the moment I realized this. I smiled to myself as they asked me, “What is happiness?”

I’m happy. What about you? Are you happy? 

Are you happy
And after I published a detailed plan for everyone on how to be happy on my blog, I started receiving invitations to India’s conferences!

They were curious as to what it meant to be happy. In a way, I was amazed by that, because the whole world travels to India to find happiness.

But I quickly realized that we always think our neighbors are superior, when in fact, they are on the same page as us.

This is how the book Successful We, Happy We came to be, which has been translated into many languages, but most people still don’t understand it.

They expect a recipe in 3 steps, but it never goes all that fast.

Self-centeredness is essential for happiness, because who knows what is best for us better than ourselves?

Being happy is a conscious choice. That is why we must prepare thoroughly for such a decision.

When you are content, your path in life or business is only a step away. Don’t be put off by the obstacles on the way there. Have faith in yourself.

Consider your life and business in a new light.

Change the patterns that are holding you back and give yourself permission to dream. Really dream!

Then you will slowly become happy.

If you need help finding this path, we can help you find it through the DMV process and our many years of experience in the field of psychotherapy and crisis management.

This will make climbing the steep and sometimes endlessly winding, broken, and difficult stairs to happiness easier.

Thank you for your confidence! Be joyful!


Be happy.

We operate in the fields of business (family businesses, cooperatives, crisis management), consulting, lectures, workshops, mentoring, business or personal coaching, we mediate in the search for investors, we perform profiling and psychotherapy of the management team and all employees in companies, institutions …

For additional information, we are at your disposal:

Fill out the form bellow to get the free e-book



Avtor - Milan Krajnc

Author of the article: pedagogue, entrepreneur & crisis manager and Tina Orter.

For more information or an introductory meeting, write to me at

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